Discovery Academy House System
In the Fall of 2019, the Discovery Academy staff visited the Ron Clark Academy in Atlanta, Georgia. Of the many things we took away from that trip was the desire to replicate the House System they are so famous for. Similar to the houses in the Harry Potter books, each staff member and student is sorted into a distinct house, and that house becomes their family for the entire time they are with the school. The houses meet quarterly to work on school spirit, character education, leadership, and more! The goal of these houses are to build families within our Discovery family and to teach our young people that being a good person will always be more important than any educational standard they master in school. Students earn House Points for their actions in school that go above and beyond, and those points go towards the race for the House Cup at the end of the year. Please read below to find out about each of the houses, and we can't wait until your student is sorted into theirs!

House System Introduction for Parents